30 Going On 13

Jon & Kate Plus 8

Episode Summary

Much like Kate's belly when she was pregnant with the sextuplets, we're absolutely BURSTING with excitement as we kick off the first episode in our series dedicated to all things TLC! If you're anything like us, you were a full blown sick & twisted voyeur for all the shows on this special channel. BUCKLE UP in your airport shuttle and grab a life supply of diapers!!!

Episode Notes

In this episode we discuss “The 4 S’s” of non-negotiable film genres, Oleato and lavender lattes, the Mini Egg & TCO supermash bros style mashup we’ve all been waiting for, comparing regional tv channels and Pizza Pizza phone numbers, the childhood/adulthood shock of seeing Kate’s belly, Leah being a “tiny controller”, whether we owe Kate an apology, the type of person who would become an AOD (Angel Of Death), if we’d give some of the sextuplets away, the complicated mathematics of their custody arrangement, when your hairstyle becomes a halloween costume, Jon’s transition to a DJ/stripper, the age old question: what is a DJ? And SO MUCH MORE!!!