30 Going On 13

Whatever It Takes

Episode Summary

DO NOT PANIC! Before you get fully FREAKED because you don't recognize this title and the only thing that comes up when you search for it is an Imagine Dragons song, fear not, because this is all part of a vast conspiracy that we are in the throes of uncovering... Grab your Sherlock hat and JUMP IN!!!

Episode Notes

In this episode we discuss some Party Of Five reflections and retractions, getting unwanted peeks behind fast food curtains, the utterly off-brand/uncanny valley/poor man's nature of this film, how brazen Shakespeare is aka brazen Bill, the Aaron Paul dilemma of it all, how often teen crushes happen to be neighbours, when bangs go Betty Spaghetti, when c plot nerdy boy characters go to parties, whether the cast of Breaking Bad paid to bury this movie, plaid bedding, suffering from a pillow sham illness aka pillness, when a script is full Mad Libs and SO MUCH MORE!!!